27129 photos
Visitors 4227
Member since 18-Mar-13

Contact Info

AddressStreamwood, IL 60107
United States
Daytime phone847-707-6417
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I grew up watching my father, who was a professional photographer for almost 25 years,make memories for people and capturing timeless moments.


I have been capturing moments in time for friends, family, and clients who become friends since 2009. I love being able to capture that smile, that sparkle, the love, the newness, the togetherness of each person, couple, and family I have the pleasure of working with.


Today, I am the mother of two wonderful sons and wife to an amazing husband, who give me the opportunity to do something I truly love.I take the kinds of photographs that I, myself, would want to have of my children and family.


There are no limits to what I will photograph.Couples, Engagements, Weddings, Maternity, Newborn, Children, Pets, and Family.

I love making memories.


Please contact me today, so we can capture that moment for you.

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Then comes Marriage...First comes love...  (engagement)Then comes a baby...(newborn - 1 year)9 months later    (maternity)Senior YearZ FamilyEaster Mini- RevakMucci / Segura Wedding


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